The COVID has delayed the reinstating of Story Time. We are happy to offer two options for Story Time until we can gather together again.
Option 1: However if you are looking for something to read with your children how about one of our Grab-N-Go books and craft? The library will provide the book and supplies along with the instructions to do a craft with your children that extends the story. Call the library (765-565-8022) to reserve one of the titles and crafts for your family. All you need is a library card and a block of time with your children.
Option 2: Join us for a story read on our Facebook page Saturday's at 11:30 a.m.
This is a wonderful time of fellowship with fellow book worms. Each month members share about the books they are reading or have read. Occasionally a guest author will meet with the group to discuss his/her book(s).
Children aged 3-18 are invited to attend our summer reading club. This is a fun time where we share stories and do crafts around a central theme. Children earn prizes for the amount of time they read books or for the younger children who are not reading yet, the amount of time someone reads to them.